Dear Colleague:

My name is Diana Schwarzbein. I am an endocrinologist. As you may have heard, I am actively working to bring about a change in the way menopause is perceived and treated. Women are demanding it, and rightly, so. As clinical physicians, we are in a position to bring about a landmark change in the management of women's health. I hope you will join me in making this happen.

Woman Are Demanding a Better Quality of Life

Currently, most women live more than a third of their lives after the onset of menopause. They want these years to be carefree, active, and gratifying, an attainable goal, provided their health is not undermined.

Untreated or improperly treated menopause undermines women's health.

Over time, the absence of estradiol and progesterone causes other hormone system imbalances leading to metabolic imbalance. Metabolic imbalance leads to the degenerative diseases of aging, including heart disease, type II diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Women are also living more stressful, busy, metabolically taxing lives.

As a result, the implications of the absence of the sex hormones, estradiol and progesterone, have become increasingly greater and more evident.

Traditional Methods Do Not Meet Today's Needs

It has also become increasingly evident that just treating the symptoms of menopause for a brief period and then trying to manage the fallout from the loss of the sex hormones is not a viable stratagem.

The demonstrated result is a diminished quality of life for the patient, compounded by the tremendous amount of time and cost required to treat otherwise preventable symptoms, conditions, and diseases.

Consider the resources expended for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia, headaches, depression, insomnia, heart disease, osteoporosis, and type II diabetes – just a few of the conditions and diseases promoted by the absence of the sex hormones.

Women no longer accept that these problems are simply the inevitabilities of aging. Neither should we.

We Can Better Serve Our Patients

Today we absolutely can, safely and effectively, treat the hormone imbalance caused by menopause and restore the metabolic imbalance it inevitably occasions.

We now have enough scientific knowledge, technology, and clinical experience to treat menopause as we do other permanent hormone deficiencies such as type I diabetes and hypothyroidism.

Over the past 20 years, I have successfully treated thousands of menopausal women using a regimen I call Hormone Balancing Therapy or HBTx.

I developed the HBTx protocol based on the way I treat type I diabetes.

Using bioidentical hormones administered in a bioequivalent manner combined with attention to nutrition and lifestyle habits, I rebalance the woman's sex hormones and restore her metabolic balance.

The evidence is compelling.
Properly restoring the sex hormones eliminates or mitigates the myriad health problems typically encountered by menopausal women.

Information for Physicians

Having followed thousands of menopausal women on HBTx for over two decades, I can now confidently share the HBTx Protocol with other physicians and support those of you who recognize the need to change the way menopause is managed. To this end, I have written a paper entitled Hormone Balancing Therapy ("HBTx") – Why & How.

HBTx – Why & How presents the science underlying the need to treat menopause as we do other permanent hormone deficiencies and provides the basic information, guidelines, and instructions needed to manage menopause by using HBTx.

To download this complimentary paper click here.

Education for Patients

An informed, involved patient is important for effectively managing menopause with HBTx. Therefore, I created an educational program for women to enable them to work effectively with their physicians. This 3.5-hour Menopause Power course is available on DVD and is accompanied by the Menopause Power Take Charge Guide.

I have found that making Menopause Power "required reading" for patients before commencing HBTx saves a great deal of time and promotes better communication and compliance.

You can purchase multiple copies of the Menopause Power course DVDs and accompanying Menopause Power Take Charge Guide at a professional discount by clicking here.

Women Are Actively Seeking Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

As women are becoming more educated about their health and menopause in particular, there is a growing demand for physicians who have embraced the use of bioidentical hormones for the treatment of menopause and who have made it an area of emphasis in their practice.

I receive frequent inquiries from women nationwide seeking a physician to work with to treat their menopause with bioidentical hormones.

I want to create a network of physicians to whom I can confidently refer these women.

I plan to feature on my website a directory of physicians who have completed the HBTxMD course and who have committed to treating menopause using the HBTx protocol.

An Opportunity to Bring About Change

As busy physicians, we all have to be judicious about how we invest our time. Given the significant benefits to your menopausal patients from both a therapeutic and preventive standpoint, and the opportunity to develop your practice in a potentially rewarding direction, I believe that learning to treat menopause with HBTx will prove to be a classic win-win.

Please decide for yourself by reading HBTx Why & How.
To do so, click here.


Diana Schwarzbein, MD

Your Comments and Questions are Welcome

To send a comment or question, click here.

Coming Soon

An Educational Program for Physicians

To support physicians in their efforts to treat menopause as the permanent loss of a vital hormone system by administering bioidentical hormones in a bioequivalent manner I am currently at work developing a multi-module, internet-delivered course called HBTxMD. The course covers in greater depth, the information in the HBTx Why & How paper, and provides case studies that address some of the nuances of managing the more complicated menopausal patient.


© Copyright, Schwarzbein Principle Programs, Inc. All rights reserved in all media. Hormone Balancing Therapy, HBTx, HBTxMD and Menopause Power are all trademarks of Schwarzbein Principle Programs, Inc.